Sunday, March 12, 2017

About Twitter

            Twitter discussions allow classmates to respond quickly and reply to specific students. As well as add a hash tag so you could easily follow the conversation and do not get lost with everything else posted in between. The characters allowed is also limited, therefore, it keeps the discussion constantly flowing and more of a back and forth dialogue. I believe that a Twitter discussion is closer to an in-class discussion than a Blackboard discussion is for these reasons.
            In-class discussions are the most instantaneous in regards to feedback. They are the closest discussions to a debate that go back and forth between questions and opinions. It is also easier to get your intended point across when communicating with someone in person as opposed to through typing because people cannot always properly read your attitude through your posts and may not know if you are being serious or joking about something.

            Blackboard discussions are a lot longer and more formal in comparison to a Twitter discussion.  On Blackboard, students’ first posts are usually very long with a lot of details and information, and even the responses from classmates tend to be longer as well.  Having an unlimited amount of space could be a bad thing because people often ramble on and fill their posts with unnecessary information. On Twitter, on the other hand, you only get so many characters so you need to make the most of them.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that twitter is more closely related to what an in class discussion is like. But I also think that it isn't as fast or instant as, an in class discussion where you listen and then respond as opposed to getting a notification then having time and deciding when you will respond.
